Pursuing the John 10:10 Life

You might have noticed my little tag line above - 'In Pursuit of Life', and if you clicked on my About Me page you'll have seen that it comes from the Bible - John 10:10 specifically. But what does it mean?

Well, my favourite version of this verse is the Amplified version:

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]." John 10:10, AMP (emphasis my own).
This verse is such a challenge to me! Where is this abundant life? Am I enjoying life? Am I living my life to the full? Is my life overflowing? Well often, I can put my hands up and say the answer to these questions is a big, fat, no. I can look about me and all I see is the negative. All I see are the reasons why I'm distinctly not living the 'abundant life' - I mean let's be real here, I feel like I'm lacking in many, many areas!

And I absolutely believe that God wants us to experience this abundant life here on earth. I believe that the enemy comes to steal our joy and peace, kill our spirits and destroy our hearts, homes, hopes and dreams. Everything about the enemy's plans is rooted in lack, deception and destruction. All he wants is for us to become convinced that we have nothing - no resources, no hope, no life, no healing. And nothing could be further from the truth, right?

But let's get one thing straight - this verse is not about us. Sometimes I think we can throw this verse around as if it is the magic formula to the life of our dreams. This verse is not about us getting what we want. It's not about us receiving from heaven so that we might enjoy life (though, does God want that for us? Of course!).

Put into context, this verse is about Jesus - ALL about Jesus. We often start at verse 10 as if that's the beginning of the conversation - "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy!" We are focused on our enemy. A trial comes, and we remind ourselves - 'Ah, this is what the enemy is all about!', as if being prepared reassures us and then we move on to "But Jesus came so that I might have life!" Ah yes, Jesus has rescued us once again.

But, if we go back and begin at the beginning of the chapter (makes sense), we can see that this gem of a verse is nestled within key parables all about Jesus. This is about who Jesus is, not about what he can do for us! This is about Jesus being the only way, this is about Him being our good shepherd, this is the whole reason that Jesus came - so that we might have relationship with the Father, so that we might have eternal life beyond our wildest imaginations!

And so, am I in pursuit of abundant life? Yes! I absolutely believe that Jesus came so that I could experience life here on earth (as it is in heaven, right?). But this verse actually serves as a huge reminder that whatever I might be lacking here on earth, it's still all about Jesus. And if my focus remains in Jesus, and not on my enemy, or on my trials, or on my lack, then surely abundant life will follow?

"In Him was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the light of all men." John 1:4 (AMP, emphasis my own)
So if we are to be in pursuit of life - that abundant, to the full, overflowing kind of life that we all so desire - then we must be in pursuit of Jesus. Only Jesus.

Pursuing the John 10:10 Life Pursuing the John 10:10 Life Reviewed by Love Emily on September 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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