I walked past a dad dropping his son off at school a little while back. As he watched his son run through the gates, he shouted in a deep, gruff accent “I love you with my life!” There was no hesitation, no hint of embarrassment – just pure, uninhibited love for his son (and slightly surprising because this man appeared to be your typical alpha male!).
I’ve seen him a couple of times since. Another day I saw him grab his son’s hands, bending down and looking him square in the face he told him “I love you more than life itself.” I couldn't help but smile!
What a beautiful picture of fatherhood! It appears to me, that this man never allows his son to walk away without him knowing that he is loved. And if he forgets to say it, he unashamedly shouts it from the rooftops! Imagine the confidence with which this boy walks into school, head held high, knowing that his father loves him. I hope that in years to come, this boy will never doubt that his father loved him with a passion.
And so it is with God. He sends us off into our day speaking those words over us: “I love you with my life”. He catches up with us throughout each day, sending blessings:
I’ve seen him a couple of times since. Another day I saw him grab his son’s hands, bending down and looking him square in the face he told him “I love you more than life itself.” I couldn't help but smile!
What a beautiful picture of fatherhood! It appears to me, that this man never allows his son to walk away without him knowing that he is loved. And if he forgets to say it, he unashamedly shouts it from the rooftops! Imagine the confidence with which this boy walks into school, head held high, knowing that his father loves him. I hope that in years to come, this boy will never doubt that his father loved him with a passion.
And so it is with God. He sends us off into our day speaking those words over us: “I love you with my life”. He catches up with us throughout each day, sending blessings:
A word of encouragement? “I love you with my life”
A financial breakthrough? “I love you with my life”
A beautiful sunset? “I love you with my life”
He walks with us through trials, comforts us in loss, and celebrates with us in times of rejoicing – all the while speaking those words over us, “I love you with my life”, and in sending Jesus to die for us, He literally loved us with his life, Literally! Jesus loved us more than life itself - literally! Have you ever really pondered that thought?
He walks with us through trials, comforts us in loss, and celebrates with us in times of rejoicing – all the while speaking those words over us, “I love you with my life”, and in sending Jesus to die for us, He literally loved us with his life, Literally! Jesus loved us more than life itself - literally! Have you ever really pondered that thought?
If we can learn to see God’s love for us in all things, then we will hear this mantra throughout each day. Whispered, shouted, maybe even sung – “I love you with my life”, and it will change the way we walk. We step out in confidence, because God loves us with His life! How amazing is that?!
Listen out for it today. How does it change the way you walk? I'm praying that I might spot these moments, in amongst the chaos of life, may I never forget that my Father in Heaven loves me with a passion.
Listen out for it today. How does it change the way you walk? I'm praying that I might spot these moments, in amongst the chaos of life, may I never forget that my Father in Heaven loves me with a passion.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” ~ 1 John 3:1Today I was reading Preach to Yourself by Hayley Morgan and in it she described how a good friend asked her "What are the top ten ways that God is wooing you right now?" Hayley was heartbroken as she struggled to name even one - and I'm not sure I could either! But I suspect we will find them in these moments where we hear God's whisper - I love you with my life. I pray that I do, and that you do too!
"I love you with my life". Wow! Thank you, Lord. X