January kicks off and I am full of enthusiasm for the new year. I set goals, make resolutions and move forward with so much intention. And then something - usually a bout of sickness, or a stress inducer - happens and basically, I hibernate. I go into survival mode, do the bare minimum to get by, and crawl into a hole until April. Am I the only one who does this??
So here I am!
In April!
Surprising, that!
I do this every. single. year. Without fail!
And I don't mind, I really don't. I feel like it's a way of managing energy or something like that. But if anyone has any tips on how not to do that, I'd love to know. I feel like it's a proper waste of two months!
So, despite my hibernation, this is actually a really busy time of year for us!
My birthday is at the end of March, this year Mother's Day followed and then it's Ruby's birthday. To top that I've had a work conference that took me away from the office and caused me to work extra days and then we're propelled into the Easter holidays and are back to juggling childcare - and it will be May before we know it! Where has 2019 gone?
So, a little update on all of us, February - April.
- Weather-wise it's been a pretty good couple of months so we've tried to be outside as much as I can manage it. Inside with a coffee is much more my natural habitat, but the kids don't need that, so I try to compromise... takeaway coffee and home via the park has been a more common occurrence!
- Back in February, I had a little work trip up to London for the day. It was a social media seminar with Hootsuite which was really interesting for work purposes - it had a really global feel which for me is great, because I can't look at social media from a purely western perspective so I was pleased! I stopped by Paternoster Square at St. Paul's on my way back. London was totally showing off that day!
- My Bible reading habit slowly unravelled unfortunately. We had a family sickness bug which was basically the beginning of the end. I'm getting back to it and am slowly catching up with my plan - but hey, we can only move forwards, right?!
- I did 'Strengthsfinders' with my team at work. It was soooooo interesting! And explained a lot. My top five were Learner, Intellection, Individualisation, Input and Relator. Which basically means that I consume a lot of information and am a strategic thinker - I might write more on it at a later date!
- And it was my birthday! We celebrated with a Nandos because on your birthday you get to choose where we eat. No one ever wants to eat at Nandos so it's my top choice - naturally!
- Ruby turned six! I have no idea how this happened, it seems like yesterday that she was three, but six she is. She is wanting to do lots of grown up things, and becoming a proper young lady so that's fun to observe!
- Joel got his hair cut and for the first time, he sat in the chair on his own.Which is a milestone, because it means I don't have to have him on my lap and get covered in hair each time! So that was fun.
- Ruby lost her first tooth! This was a huge deal for her. We visited the dentist last September and she asked him then when it would happen. He told her that it would probably happen when she was six, and sure enough, four days before her sixth birthday it came out. It was funny because she actually thought that the tooth fairy would bring her a chocolate coin... so to get a real one was quite a highlight!
- We've done junior park run a couple of times (well, Ruby has anyway!) and it's been great fun. As the weather improves and our church commitments become more flexible we're hoping to take her on a regular basis. She's pretty fast!
- Ruby received her third privilege card this week, which apparently means she gets to attend the headmaster's tea party - lucky girl!
- Joel and I discovered Toddler Time at the new Picturehouse cinema. It's a half hour showing of some toddler TV favourites, but in the cinema. We get popcorn and treats and enjoy the cinema experience, without being worried about whether he will sit through an entire film!
- Ruby has fallen in love with books! Which of course I am thrilled about. She's currently got five or six books on the go - My Naughty Little Sister, Matilda, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, The Christmasaurus, The Creakers (again!), and Clarice Bean as well. I have no idea if she'll get to finishing any of these books, but the fact that she always has a head in a book is a great sign.
So anyway, despite my small hiatus, it's been a busy time full of milestones. Even though we had the sickness bug and then a full on few weeks filled with celebrations and all the stresses of that, life has been pretty good.
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